On the surface, it might seem that quotes from the Joker, the comic book and movie villain, might be a poor source of motivational quotes. The Joker is not your classic motivator since he is intelligent but evil. He does not put time and effort into helping others. Instead, he lives a life of crime and evil, seeking to harm Batman and others who stand in his way or those who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Because the character contradicts our usual way of thinking, the Joker quotes can be motivational – all we have to do is think and act in the opposite of the Joker. For example, when the Joker says, “Turn right,” we turn left. Of course, the Joker is also a contradictory villain, so there are situations in which it makes sense to follow his advice. However, most of the time, it is best to do the opposite.
So, let’s look at some motivational Joker quotes to see whether we should follow his advice or do the opposite.
1. “In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, a symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out.”
The above may be the least motivating among all motivational Joker quotes – until we work our magic and turn it around, allowing it to become among the most motivating quotes from the Joker. The Joker speaks of a world of disaster, doom, and gloom.
A world of suffering, and when a ray of hope appears, he snuffs it out. But, of course, we can rise above the Joker’s view of the world. We can approach challenging situations, recognize them for what they are, and persevere through tough times. We can use the light that burns inside of us and allow it to become a source of light for others.
Continuing on his typically dark themes, here is a Joker quote that adds destruction to the menu.
2. “I’m a man of simple taste. I like things such as gunpowder, dynamite, and gasoline!”
Gunpower, dynamite, and gasoline have good productive uses when handled properly, though each can also destroy things. The world has many products and people that can be used for good or evil. Each of us is capable of good and bad, of building or destroying things.
Every day we choose to use our strengths, possessions, and relationships to build up or tear down. How do you want to use your strengths? Will you use your tools to build up or tear down?
3. “Life has no remote. You have to get up and change it yourself.”
This is among the Joker quotes that sound like the Joker quotes Batman because it is sound advice. Regardless of how you choose to use your tools, the choice of how you use them is yours alone, and they have an impact when you use them. Life does not have a remote. It would be best if you put forth the effort to make changes, big and small. You can change your channel only by getting up and changing it yourself.
Among the quotes from the Joker that sounds a similar note is the following:
4. “We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us.”
We can apply this Joker quote without flipping the script. Here, the Joker tells us we set our own limitations. There are monsters under the bed only if we believe there are monsters under the bed. Likewise, we can accomplish many things in life only when we think we can accomplish them and are willing to put forth the effort to achieve them. We have to believe in ourselves and get up to change the channel.
Our next motivational Joker quote shows a bit of light but mostly his darkness.
5. “Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.”
The Joker tells us to smile because it confuses or deceives people, not because it reflects inner happiness or joy. There are times in life -they occur every day- when it is best to smile despite being unhappy or displeased. We all must choose our battles and decide what is essential and what is not. Choose wisely, and feel free to smile whenever you are not battling.
Another Joker quotes that sound like the Joker quoting Batman concerns negativity.
6. “The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.”
This Joker quote makes him sound almost normal, suggesting we let negativity fade away most of the time. We should use negative feedback constructively as a means of improving, but negativity is the tendency to be more pessimistic than needed. Even the Joker tells us to avoid taking that path.
Want to continue listening to the Joker? Another straightforward Joker quote is the following statement:
7. “I know one thing. I was born for greatness.”
The Joker believes he was born for greatness. Although many of us are not, we can still aspire to it. We can also pursue excellence as seen in our own eyes, not those of others. Doing so allows us to set the agenda, determine what it means to be great, and then pursue that path.
The Joker shows his darkness again when he advocates the benefits of madness.
8. “Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away …forever.”
Only someone who is himself mad would argue for madness, but the Joker fits that bill. Bad things sometimes happen to good people, yet they do not descend into madness. Instead, they isolate and understand their troubles while moving ahead and pursuing their life goals.
Even a madman thinks clearly at times, and among the best quotes from the Joker came when he said:
9. “Some people want to see you fail. Disappoint them!”
For many reasons, some people do not encourage others and hope they succeed. When someone wants you to fail, it is best not to allow their issues to become yours. Instead, focus on moving ahead and disappoint them with your success.
10. “I’m not good at future planning. I do not plan at all. Don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. Do not have a day planner and don’t have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.”
There are many paths to success. Many have success due to luck or good fortune, but the most direct route to success comes from knowing what success looks like and identifying a path to get there. Planning for the future does not stop us from enjoying the moment or being present, but it adds purpose to many moments.
Despite the previous Joker quote, the Joker admitted he planned when he said:
11. “You can’t rely on anyone these days, you gotta do everything yourself, don’t we? That’s OK, I came prepared.”
We do not need to agree with the portion of the Joker quote concerning relying on others. We all have people we can count on. In addition, while the Joker previously said he does not plan, he says he came prepared, which shows he plans. Planning and being prepared are good things. Don’t let a Joker tell you differently.
The Joker once again shows his pessimism below, which is the opposite of a motivational Joker quote.
12. “We mature with damage, not with years.”
We grow from facing difficulty. Sometimes we win and sometimes lose, but we persevere, learn our lessons, and continue moving forward. That is the face of maturity, and we need not to talk about the Joker’s face.
Of course, the Joker’s face is different, which contributes to this Joker quote:
13. “They laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at them because they’re all the same.”
We all face situations in which we differ from others due to our backgrounds, abilities, or opinions. Generally, differences are neither good nor bad, but they can bring alternate perspectives that add value in many situations.
And speaking of value, those looking for a quote from the Joker about his perception of value will find it here:
14. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
Despite what the Joker says, being good at something does not mean someone will pay us for it. Of course, it is terrific when our abilities lead to compensation, but we can enjoy activities solely for the sake of doing them or because they please others.
And our final Joker quote reminds us to act like ourselves and be unafraid.
15. “The lion doesn’t turn around when dogs bark.”
Life is full of barking dogs, but when we know our strengths, all the barking in the world will not stop us from continuing on our chosen path. So don’t turn around when dogs bark. Be a lion.